Thursday, April 14, 2016

ARISS 15th Anniversary event results

The SSTV image transmissions that were part of the celebration of ARISS operating on the ISS for over 15 years are coming to a close. Seems everyone finally had a chance to hear SSTV from the ISS. The nicest images are posted to the ARISS Gallery and all of the images posted are in the archive section.

Here are some examples of images captured during this event.
BD4UJ captured image
CU2ZG captured image
JA0CAW captured image
UA9UIZ captured image

G7HCE captured image

VU3JHK captured image

IV3RYQ captured image

LW8EXS captured image

SV3CIX captured image

KO6TZ captured image

EB2AOC captured image
One note is that the #1 image appears to have been omitted possibly due to confusion with an image from an earlier series.

The MAI-75 event is next but only planned for a few hours. Details are in the previous post just below.