Slow Scan Television (SSTV) images transmitted from the International Space Station and other ARISS supported satellites
This site will be the focal point for some of the best SSTV images received during Oct 2008 and beyond. Images will be downlinked by ISS on 145.800 MHz. To view some of the received images transmitted from the ISS check out the following Gallery Website. You may also submit images at that website as well.
In addition to SSTV image receptions, reports of planned amateur radio activity using SSTV will be provided.
Reports from S. Africa (ZS6TW) and Florida (W5DID) indicate that SSTV images of the inside are being transmitted today. A note is visible in some shots with other images showing the Expedition 18 Commander, Mike Fincke. The following image is from WB9IIV.
The ISS was sending SSTV images using the VC-H1 today. Images included some shots of the Earth and of the crew. Expect more SSTV imagery occassionally over the next few weeks as the crew celebrates 25 years of ham radio operators being in orbit.